Luxury RV Rentals
40% - 60% OFF

RV Travel During the Coronavirus (COVID - 19) Pandemic
Trade the crowded city for the remote landscape and fresh air
We are dedicated to providing clean and reliable motor-homes. We have raised our cleanliness and health standards even higher. You can count on us to be a travel leader in meeting the challenge of the coronavirus.
What We Are Doing Differently:
We have implemented new policies and procedures which follow recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We disinfect the RVs thoroughly to help prevent the spread of germs between travelers. Our updated policies include the wipe down of all hard surfaces including seats, steering wheels, tables, counters, handles, remotes, buttons etc with products approved by the CDC for eliminatign Covid-19. We wash all the curtains and even wipe down the knobs and levers. Everything in the RV gets taken out, sanitized and put back in.
We also run an air filter with UV Bulb & TiO2 Filter-Photo-Catalytic Oxidation Process to kill the virus and bacteria.
The safety of our travelers is our TOP priority.
Our RVs Have Limited Contact to the Public:
We’ve always done things differently. We don’t keep a client walk in location, so the only people that go inside our RVs are our cleaning crew, repair technicians (when needed), drivers for the delivery and clients renting the RV. Not having the RVs open to the public significantly reduces exposure and risk.
RV Training Procedures:
We have online training videos so you can learn how to operate the RV from the comfort of your home. Our RVs also come with iPads with instructional videos, so you can always refer to the guides for instructions. Our delivery drivers wear gloves and a mask when inside the vehicle and upon delivery, they will wipe down the steering wheel before stepping outside the vehicle. The orientation and training is conducted fully from the outside, keeping the RV sterilized for our travelers. If you have further questions while on the road, we are available via call, text or Facetime to support you during the trip.
We’ve Updated the Reservation Policies:
If your trip is affected by campground closures, we will honor a full refund. Given everything that's going on, we are offering a very flexible cancellation schedule. Please let us know 3 weeks before departure for a complete refund or 2 weeks before departure for a complimentary reschedule.
Escape Into Campsites Full of Fresh Air and Nature:
Cure the cabin fever with nature and fresh air. Take your friends or family to see the countries beautiful sites and skip the highly dense meeting points. There is no shortage of the amount of hikes, trails, landscapes and relaxation opportunities offered on the open road.